Our Proven Resume Samples

We create powerhouse resumes as we know exactly what employers want!
Keyword & ATS Compatible Formats

As the only resume writing service in NC with the ATS software, we make sure that your resume and cover letter meet and exceed ATS compliance. This ensures that your resume is not purged along with other generic ones giving you higher chances of winning solid interviews.

Keyword Optimized
Our advanced keyword optimization employs strategic placement, recurrence, and optimal number of keywords to rank your resume higher in the ATS system. Additionally, we optimize it with the right keywords to reflect your top achievements allowing you to stand out from the crowd.

ATS compatible
If your resume is generic and outdated, your chances of landing an interview are minimal. Furthermore, with most recruiting agencies using the applicant tracking software to scan documents and ensures they meet their specific standards, an ATS-compatible resume is a must-have. How do we create an ATS-compatible resume?
Use relevant keywords
Apply job-related titles
Use ATS-compatible resume templates
Label all sections correctly

Senior Writers & Editors
We aim to provide best-in-class processes, automation, and recruitment tools in one complete solution. That’s why we only employ an exclusive team of unmatched senior writers and editors with 10+ years of writing experience after taking them through a rigorous training and testing process.

Page Length
While resumes are supposed to be short and precise, you don’t want to undercut your accomplishments and sell yourself short. We understand this and that’s why we treat each resume uniquely to give it a competitive edge. As such, the page length may vary depending on your work history, but 95% of resumes we create are 2 pages.

Color On A Resume
We make your resume pop by adding some colored designs to help grab the readers' attention. After all, if making that resume more appealing is what will land you an interview, then why not?

Metric ($%$%)
Numbers never lie. And when all is said and done, your metrics can make or break your chances of landing an interview. If anything, hiring managers & human resource professionals crave to see your metrics. These metrics are quantitative achievements that show how you increased revenue, drove sales, decreased expenses, streamlined operations, etc. in your previous positions. Our work? To pull those out and highlight them on your resume.

Font choices can make or break your chances of landing an interview. Because no one wants to read a plain text resume! In creating an eye-candy resume, we use large, bold, and underlined fonts to make it stand out.

How Are We Rated #1 On Google?

With a job interview success rate of 93.4% and being the only resume writing company in NC with an Applicant Tracking Software (ATS), it is a no brainer. One thing is consistent, though. We know that a professionally crafted resume improves your competitive edge and demands better pay. That understanding means we have more positive customer reviews than any other professional resume writing service in the whole state of North Carolina.